Friday, January 15, 2010

Morning alterings

These are altered photos, one has my mother and her cousin in the 40s, well they are both in the 40s. My mother has on the fur coat, there are also things from the winter garden an angel face, and the green bits are a gazing ball on a iron post. added is an oak tree in negative form, and very faintly you see a design in the background.

The seond you see a shadow of my mother in the pines, that is a partial painting of mine, color altered, the lily photo is from my garden and a photo of an owl from a book.

What I like best about altering is the situation, how unlikely that would ever be yet there is someone you know in the creation. The original photos are here for you to see.

Inspite of all this altering, there is a pot of chili simmering, dishes done and put away, laundry done, outside tasks done. Things picked up. It would be complete if I had done a painting, never satisfied always want more.

1 comment:

Star said...

Good Morning, Emelie!
I like the first picture most of all.....I like the lady shrouded in mist by the tree. Mysterious, and I like the colors, too. You have some nice family pictures.