We have been gone for several days, and had a rainy windy day also the first day we were home. I was too tired to race out to the garden anyway so good the weather was crumby. Yesterday and today I did race out there however to get things in shape as fall garden is a favorite of mine. Wind and rain had arranged things differently then they were when I left. Does nature really know about arrangements then I?
BTW (I just had to look up then and than in the dictionary) I hate to make mistakes and seem so _______ fill in the blank.
Anyway back to the garden, so much mess, so much weeds, so much vegetables. However about the vegetables so nice to just go what you want for a meal. Lille sides of cucumbers salad, fresh sliced tomatos, fresh greens, and wonderful green beans it just makes a nice meal. The chili is wonderful from those tomatoe, added grated carrot, and a little mashed potato to thicken and let it rest a day before eating.
But, best of all are the flowers, the color, the bouquets, the sedums and hydrangea are so pretty now. Cosmos, dahlias, and the mish mash of it all combined, as I feel panic as the growing season here is getting short. Tonight the sun was setting and our leaves have not turned that much, but, the slant of the light gave good color to the garden and also my camera does not see weeds, it is better then a scale that sees everything. (painting is on my mind)
Emeile, the flowers are still beautiful.....my are beginning to fail....a few leaves turning....you can feel the change in the air even though it's still pretty warm......
Emelie!! --truly beautiful--you know how to "paint" your landscapes.
Your garden is like a piece of heaven on earth, Emelie! How lovely! Are those mums blooming already? The stone path with the greenery growing between the stones is just calling my name to travel through your garden and explore all that is beyond the bend. There is alot of hard work that has gone into creating this beautiful landscape, and I see no weeds within it ... unlike my own garden, ;). Wishing you a peaceful weekend, with time to create more beauty!
you just painted the most beautiful colors and end of summer for ALL OF US!!!
i'm coming over to share some chili with you and sit around in your flowers, hoping a butterfly or two might land on our noses!!!! xo wanda
Em, MY GOSH!!!! Your gardens are just gorgeous!!! Mine have been neglected for a couple summers pretty much and now I just can't catch it up. I may give it up and just adore yours!!!
Our leaves are starting to turn pretty fast now and it's cold!! The coons, squirrels and chippers are gathering up the bird seed faster than the birds can get much! Sure sign that it is indeed Fall.....not to mention temps down in the 30's at night several times a week now! I know you said you love Fall but I just hate it. The good thing is, the yard has lost it's appeal, it's too cool most days to sit out and read and so I'm feeling the strong pull of art creeping in my veins fast!!
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