Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Feeling Over Inspired

I have been out visiting this morning, we have a gray damp day with winds that whistle if a window is open a tiny crack. If you shut your eyes and seperate your mind from reality you might think it January. However I just picked a bowl of strawberries so it is June. the first berries this year from my berry patch.

That is not the point, the point is this visiting of blogs, and then not even speaking to the artist of the wonderful work and thoughts. I don't speak because I think I need to get to the art room and paint, this is making me feel so over stimulated, over eager to go and do. I will, today is such a day that one can do this without guilt. It is now a day getting on hours so I better get moving.

First I will share this woman of passion. I will also share some beautiful peonies, these plants are 50 yrs old, they grow chest high and can have as many as 60 blooms, one can hardly find a better plant than that for performance.


Joyfulploys said...

Emelie...what beautiful flowers...they are wonderful!!!
Your painting is lovely too!!!

Star said...

wow! your garden is way ahead of mine! And my peony's are not near that pretty nor big. A huge load of manure and mulch would do my flowers wonders....they're starving!
I was going to show a few pictures but now I think not. LOL! I need to advertise for a free full time "weed puller-upper"! The rain the last 3 days and the wind today is making sure I don't do anything out there for a few days again. I have Stargazers, day lilly's (starwberryfilds forever) and dahlias. Getting pretty late for them but they're new bulbs so have to get them in the ground and hope the squirrels are not watching! You do all that and paint, too? You are Super Emelie!!! Your leg must be doing better now? Does it hurt in this willy nilly weather we've been having?

Rebecca Anthony said...

I LOVE this and I'm so drawn in by the hand!

Connie said...

The peonies are beautiful. I know what you mean about not commenting. I've been doing that myself lately. Liking what I see but just not speaking of it. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one.

Nelda said...

Your peonies and your art are both beautiful. I think it is too hot for peonies here in Florida. I love them so much.