It is true a day of only halves, things go half right. Things around th house are smelling funny, closed up house in hot weather, shirts and hats being put in the closet by the door that have been worn in hot work, and just put there to get out of the way along with shoes and bandanas, horrible stuff. So now that entry way smells like a lemon cleaner that is not true lemon, and most of the things have been washed, and I would tuck dryer sheet into them if I had some.
Besides that half, the bread won't rise, only by half. so it is shaped and sitting in a half warm oven to urge it along to a better rising status.
I finished a book I only half liked it had a disasterous terrible ending that nearly broke ones heart, except so strange you could go on the internet and read the alternative ending. The book was "Jimmy" by Robert Whitlow. Talk about putting one in a mood.
I really only sort of like this painting also, I think what happened was I lost the initial idea as it dragged on for several days and I was distracted frequently from the beginning.
Days go like this when one only feels half like doing things yet talks self into doing them. Not the book, I expected much better from this.