Friday, May 27, 2011

Remembering and Testing

I did this collage for Memorial Day remembering my parents. I wanted a page for my journal, this journal is always on the kitchen table and it is mostly cutting and pasteing. Sometimes is is just junk mail or stamp snippings that I use and I wrote a few words. the graves we would visit are quite far, traffic is terrible as it is
very lake country, we dont' do that.

The other reason is the widget of followers has vanished, if you visit and you have any idea of how to get it back or if you can see it with your computer tell me. I have tried a few things. Have not emptied the cache yet as I don't know what all goes with that, what oculd be lost maybe nothing I have important things written in a note book. Sometimes I can't read my writing tho. Anyway the test is to see if I do a post if they will come back. I miss the faces.


Connie said...

Sorry I can't see your followers pictures. Just the word followers. I can read your post fine. Blogger decided several months ago not to show a lot of pictures I had posted and I never could get anyone to help me get them back. Blogger sucks sometimes.

Diane said...

Hi Emelie--wonderful journal page--I know that you always put so much thought into your art--I can tell by the way you talk about it.
And yes, I've been having major problems with blogger also. I'm having trouble leaving messages and I can't see mine or anyone else's followers either-I hope they fix this!!