Friday, April 2, 2010

Thinking Easter

Of course not just thinking of the things we see all around us that mean Easter, but the real meaning. I always feel renewed in this season, seems to me it is more of a time of reflection than New Years. The newness of life is so much more evident.
However we hardly ever hear about Easter Resolutions, it just sems a good time to make change along with the changes of the season.

However my photos today are just the cosmetics of the season, however it all ties together in my mind as I remember the all aspects of Easter.

BTW I have never liked jellybeans, or peeps, and friends rave about these. I have never passed up a cream filled egg tho. So wishing you a cream filled egg and blessings on this day and the weekend of celebration.


Star said...

Such nice Easter pictures! Do you have Spring flowers up? Wow! I like jelly beans and peeps, too....creme eggs I can do without! LOL! I like peanut butter eggs or caramel, of course. Just went to the store but didn't buy a bit of Easter candies. We have no plans for the Holiday so I'm not pulling out any Easter decorations. I used to have a real cute line of Easter bunnies, I painted on wood and cut out, and would put them on the fence but they're too weathered now. I like your blue it felted?

Judy said...

Love your photos... and your Easter thoughts! Have a wonderful Easter, Emelie!

chantillylace said...

I recognize that little knit rabbit (I made it!)

Unknown said...

Love your little blue bunny, Emelie. Most of our daffodils are now blooming. And our Wild peach is blooming as well as our redbud.

I don't like peeps...yuck. The only jelly beans I'll eat are the black ones 'cause they are licorice. No creme eggs tho. I hope you get some creme eggs in your basket! I'll be hoping for a chocolate bunny!