Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Garden Girls

I did this mixed media art last spring, it was after reading about using napkins in Sharon Tomlinson's presentation in Cloth, Paper, Sicissors. So much fun using the beautiful napkins that are available.

I painted the faces, I never know how they will really look on completion and I knew less then than I do now. I was thinking of the garden club at this time, we have one local. They work hard and the city is pretty from the efforts, but I know for a fact that often it is one or two that work so hard on the needed days. Maybe they take turns and it is an effort of many.

These two girls were quite happy they didn't join. The other thing I see in the work, one of the women looks like a Garden Angel, Judy that I know. Not planned, just happened and she might not think so.

There are hibiscus napkins, stencil work, newspaper, tissue paper, The stamping is on tissue paper as stamps work poorly on rough watercolor paper. I stamp the tissue and then glue in position. I used acrylics on the watercolor paper. There is over painting on parts, I think it is nice to have a vague quality to parts of the work.

This published here in tow parts it is a long painting. I have it in the kitchen.

1 comment:

RA said...

I am surw GA is honoured to be imortalized by you Emelie. :)